If you are working a subminimum wage job, ArtCIE can provide an alternative.

Introducing ArtCIE

If Florida is going to meet its workforce needs, it needs to get creative and develop untapped talent. A five-year pilot program called ArtCIE is one exciting solution both for businesses and for individuals with disabilities considering or working a subminimum wage job.

Through ArtCIE (pronounced “artsy”), you can receive training and support for competitive integrated employment, particularly in the arts, entertainment and recreation.

Make A Difference Every Day.

We want to support you and help you achieve your employment goals. Here is what we can do:

  • ArtCIE will pair you with a job coach who will identify your skill set and find a job opportunity to match.
  • Your job coach will help you get ready. You might even use virtual reality technology to learn what your job might be like. At job training, you will learn all the new skills you need.
  • You will receive more than job coaching. Support services include self-advocacy, financial literacy, benefits counseling, rapid response employment support, and more.
  • ArtCIE will find employers and work with them to create a welcoming environment and ensure that any required accommodations are provided.
  • ArtCIE will maximize your opportunity not only for competitive employment but also for extended workplace interactions with individuals without disabilities.

Connect With Us 

Tell us about yourself to connect with ArtCIE and learn how this program can meet your specific employment needs.

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